[ PUPA ] by Jing Pang
Performative photography
Hong kong
[ Top notes • Inspiration ]
In Greek mythology, the phoenix is reborn into new life arising from the ashes. All the insects that have the holometabolous development are the “Phoenix” in this reality; they shared the common ground: self-transformation from deconstructing the original self.
Holometabolous is also called complete metamorphosis. The word “Metamorphosis” originated from Greek μεταμόρφωσις, means "transformation, transforming”. It is characteristic of beetles, butterflies and moths, flies, and wasps. Their life cycle goes through four distinct stages: egg, larva, pupa, and imago. A pupa is the life stage of some insects transforming from immature into mature scenes. Becoming a pupa is called pupation, and the act of emerging from the pupal case is called eclosion.
In this performance, I wish to explore the human condition of self-actualisation. Vulnerability and courage aren't two ends of the spectrum. Expanding perceptions by embracing shame and fear wholeheartedly, letting ourselves be seen deeply, having the courage to show up when we can’t control the outcome.
“It is not the critic who counts; not the man who points out how the strong man stumbles or where the doer of deeds could have done them better. The credit belongs to the man who is actually in the arena, whose face is marred by dust and sweat and blood; who strives valiantly;…who at best knows, in the end, the triumph of high achievement, and who at the worst, if he fails, at least fails while daring greatly.” — Theodore Roosevelt’s quote from his 1910 “Man in the Arena” speech.
“Why would you like to do Performance?”
“Because I’m fascinated by the unknown in the live-action, the unspeakable feeling after accomplishing my imagery in this reality.”
Photo: Alan Ho
[ PUPA ] by Jing Pang
Performative photography
Hong kong
[ Heart notes • Precipitation ]
2022年1月30號,是我滿三十歲的日子。 原來,滿三十歲叫作而立之年,只能形容男性;而形容女性的三十歲,叫作半老徐娘。這令我不解,為什麼?其實,我一直深信”age is nothing but just a number”。無論男女,每一個個體都有屬於自己的步伐,都有其專屬的人生歷程,而無需滿足約定俗成的世俗法則。也許,在華人社會中儒家思想植根太深,女性的年歲增長,總是有一種無形的壓力加持。
婆婆的珍珠頸鏈、姑婆的玉吊墜、姨媽的旗袍、媽媽的珍珠耳環、九姨的大褸、妹妹的戒指。每一件都是家族的女性贈送和給予的。 家族中的女性都很強大,為家庭付出很多,一輩子都為口奔馳,為家人忙忙碌碌。
一直都好渴望擺脫約定俗成的框架和道德責任,生以為人,生以為女性的刻板形象,破蛹而出,成為真正的自己,然後盡情飛舞。渴望突破世間上所有界線,如果有人說”think out of the box”,那我更貪心地想像”there’s no box at all”。
| 三十歲//紅髮//女性//香港人//藝術//創作//愛冒險//反叛•叛逆//自我•自主•自由//濫情•絕情•重情 |
| 內向//安靜//自我中心//盲目//投入//熱情//健談//硬頸//固執//自由//任性//貼心//溫柔//勇敢//喊包 |
| 三十歲//紅髮//女性//香港人//藝術//創作//愛冒險//反叛•叛逆//自我•自主•自由//濫情•絕情•重情 |
| 內向//安靜//自我中心//盲目//投入//熱情//健談//硬頸//固執//自由//任性//貼心//溫柔//勇敢//喊包 |
Photo: Alan Ho
[ PUPA ] by Jing Pang
Performative photography
Hong kong
[ Base notes • Reflection ]
Photo: Alan Ho