[The Performance is Happening: 20 Days Live]
[Phase 2: Collaboration with Artists]
Guest artist: Tsang Tse
Date: 25th June 2022
Time: 2-5p.m.
Location: Hung Shui Kiu, YL
Live Performance(2022)
Jing Pang x Tsang Tse
[Tsang Tse’s kitchen]
A mother-and-daughter collaboration. Tsang Tse will demonstrate how to cook her hometown cuisine, which is “choicha” (菜茶), that oriented in the Chaoshan area (潮汕). In Shanwei(汕尾), every family cook this cuisine during Chines New Year to serve family, relatives and friends. Inspired by” Rirkrit Tiravanija‘s untitled 1990 (Pad Thai), we will create a social communication space that shares food, chat and joy.
曾子先說明養生菜茶的烹調方式、營養價值及此菜式的源頭。她的故鄉是汕尾,每逢過年或喜慶日子,都會煮菜茶招待貴賓。烹調方式:先把7種蔬菜仔細切碎,莖和菜要分開煮,莖較硬要煮耐些,菜含水份較快熟,然後再加上粉絲,最後加上先炒好的豬肉片和蝦米,素食者可不加。一碗菜茶放材料順序:大半碗炒好的菜,加上花生、芝麻和炒米,最後放湯。曾子預先準備煲了兩小時的足料蓮藕湯,湯料包括蓮藕、豬展、蠔豉、乾曬魷魚、冬菇和蜜棗;素食者可放芝麻湯,其實是傳統雷茶。過程中,曾子說到要特意去到東涌才買到炒米,un說她媽媽有賣自家製炒米,原來也是汕尾人,即時致電讓兩位母親聊天,即使我們都聽不明白,但也感覺到很多歡樂。「聽到你媽媽用鄉下話跟鄉里對話,不知道為什麼很感動。」Frieda說。是的,曾子往年都會回鄉探親,每次食飯都是大圓枱,熱鬧非凡。對她來說,這樣面對面的交流,一起動手煮菜,分享美食的過程中,是難得可貴的美好時光。在構思這20 DAYS LIVE時,要邀請guest artist時,心裡決定了首兩位便是我的父母。最大的願望是透過這個Porject,把身邊的人連結起來,在當下面對面的相處,分享那種無以名狀的體驗,包括對某些情景的觀察、突如其來的感動、摸不著頭腦的荒謬、對某些物件或行動的聯想、對話或反應中的心有靈犀等。這一切,在現場才能發生,當下的共感將為日後留下深刻的回憶。
Guest artist bio:
Tsang Tse is a senior make-up artist, and beauty and nutrition lecturer and is good at treating severe skin problems. She is also proficient in nutrition, traditional Chinese medicine, and health care. Studied Chinese Medicine Nutrition at the School of Professional and Continuing Education, The Chinese University of Hong Kong. "If you want to improve the visible phenomena of the body and skin, 80% depends on food and 20% on paint." She said. This means that no matter how expensive skin care products are, it is not as good as healthy eating and keeping a regular routine and sleep schedule.
曾子是資深make up artist,美容及營養講師,化妝護膚髮型一手包辦,擅長治療嚴重的皮膚問題。她亦精通營養、中醫食療以及養生之道。於香港中文大學專業進修學院修讀中醫營養學。「身體和皮膚看得到的現象,如果想要改善 的話,八成靠食,兩成靠搽。」意思是,再貴的護膚品也不及食得健康和定時作息。
Photo by @bigmanchingho & @lum_vivian_