[The Performance is Happening: 20 Days Live]
[Phase 2: Collaboration with Artists]
Guest artist: Pang Sir
Date: 24th June (Friday)
Time: 3-5p.m.
Location: Ping Shan, Yuen Long
Live Performance(2022)
Jing Pang x Pang Sir
在盛夏的炎陽下,與彭sir在屏山的農田上進行這次即興的Performance。「我要做什麼?」「我想鋤地!」我們一起拿著鋤頭用力的翻著泥土,在彭sir的協助下,速度加倍。「然後呢?」他幫我掘著泥,然後我埋下不同的物件在土壤裡,一把黑色雨傘、一個鋁圓隔網、彭sir曬的壺蘆、一個啡色的花盤、一個瓷碗、一張紅矮櫈和一把銀面青底的傘。我們用紫色和綠色的尼龍繩包園整個空間,連繫著粟米田、鐵桿、長木梯和後面的大蕉樹。最後,我踏上木梯,灑水在四周,這是每天早上農夫的日常Routine。「你和老豆的對話很有趣,簡短的語句中,也充滿著默契!」偉津說。「本來我以為會很嚴肅,想不到會這樣casual。」Moss說。是的,在這次Performance 裡跟其他合作Artist很不同,彭sir是我的爸爸,農場是我們長大的地方,當中包含了對話和笑聲,想要表達的是我倆在這特別的場域中的發生,由時日累積下來的默契,才是最重要的。完結後,大家在大樹菠蘿樹下乘涼,喝著彭sir預先煲的消暑解渴冬瓜湯,細說農場的往事。「種菜和養育子女一樣,放太多水和肥料不行,放少了也不行,要剛剛好,也要給予空間生長。」彭sir說。「即使你老豆窒你,但沒有真的干預你,其實他俾空間你去做,好正!」偉津說。是的,這就是我成長的環境,他會給予協助,但大部分時間都讓我自己去尋覓,選擇想要走的路。
[Pang’s farm]
A father-and-daughter collaboration. We both share a lot of memories and develop our creativity in this farmland. There’s always a lot of ways to fix a “problem”, such as the practical thing like how to repair a broken chair or build a house. Philosophically, like being at peace when the storm comes in life and go on an adventure in the good days. Welcome be our the one and only one witness in this performance in Hong Kong.
Guest artist bio:
Pang sir is an inspiring visual art teacher for over 45 years. He is an art enthusiast, who like to create with varies medium such as oil, ink, spray paint, object, etc. He is a farmer after his retirement, who loves to explore the nature. Now, Pang’s farm is his creation project still ongoing.
Photo by @2000han & @bigmanchingho