Fluidisation and Solidification / Performance / 3 hours / 2022
The performance will take place live and will be marked by a continuous experience of fluidity and impermanence. Plaster is applied to the body in successive layers, and as each new layer is added, the fluid plaster takes on a slight sheen. However, as the body remains motionless, the plaster is able to solidify, and it eventually takes on a matte white appearance. The body transitions from a state of complete stillness to one of movement: the stillness heightens the sensitivity of the five senses and attempts to transform it into a statue of stone; when the plaster becomes matte, the stone will gradually wake up, and the rhythm of movement will cause the solidified plaster to peel off in stages and fall to the ground in fragments.
# Fluidity and Impermanence
Date: 23th July 2022
Time: 13:30-17:30
Photo by @tze.long , Jess @s_ltm
每一次的行為現場都是對自身生理與心理上的挑戰:長時間的;單對單的;面對群眾的;酷熱下的汗水;勞動的艱辛;髒亂的環境。這次的行為現場體驗到的是寒冷。逸東酒店的中央冷氣實在太強,我低估了自己的能耐,在抹上批牆灰的𣊬間,直覺告訴我這是一場意志力的硬戰。當我整個身體覆蓋牆灰時,冷氣就在上方,靜止不動的姿勢,牆灰的冰冷流質狀態,體溫因此迅速下降,身體不由自主地顫抖。我嘗試調整呼吸去控制身體的本能反應,反覆地深呼吸,不果,嘗試另一個方法,任由身體盡情地震動,意志放棄操控身體,embrace the reaction of the body。這時候,我不再感受到寒冷伴隨而來的不適,而成為全然的在。每一次的行為現場完結後,隨時間沉澱,內在自省的啟示自然浮現,所獲得的力量繼續支撐著日常生活中的所有,繼而面對這生命中的無常。