[The Performance is Happening: 20 Days Live]
[Phase 2: Collaboration with Artists]
Guest artist: Florence Lam @florencelamsoyue
Date: 23rd June 2022
Time: 2-5 p.m.
Location: Yuen Long Park
Live Performance(2022)
Jing Pang x Florence Lam
[Defies Gravity]
這次與Florence 的合作源自於她的BA畢業作品-[Ballon],她在大學時的創作媒介是雕塑,對她來說,這是一件重要的作品,由雕塑轉向Performance的契機。在與她聊天的過程中,她提及到過往的雕塑作品總是有重量、不變和固定的,因此,她想要創造一個暫時性且流動的雕塑,[Ballon]由此誕生,她也藉此開啟了Performance 的大門。在這次Performance 裡,我們選擇了在元朗公園的草地上進行,戶外的環境添加了不可控的因素,包括風的方向、樹枝的糾纏、被透明氣球吸引的小孩子等。「你覺得她們很在做什麼呢?是不是好像用氣球在天空上畫畫呢?」一位在旁觀賞的父親對孩子說。他們好奇地跑向我們,在旁邊觀察,兩個女孩子快樂地執起掉落在草地上的氣球,愉快地奔去。Florence說到之前她是自己一個人做,但在與我一起合作時,她就可以把氣球交給我,互相配合,在共同建構氣球時,我們都在觀察當中,觀察彼此的行動、風的轉向、途中被吸引的觀眾等。「好像在水中游的鰻魚啊!天空變成了海洋。」Joanna說。充滿氦氣的氣球徐徐升起,反抗地心吸力飄浮著,這個下午,成為了連結周遭人們的Happening。
Guest artist bio:
Florence Lam (b.1992 Vancouver, Canada) is currently based in Hong Kong. Lam works with wonder and magical thinking to fuse together current moral issues with child-like world views through performance art, poetry, video and sound. The aim is to explore the fertility and sterility of the mind manifested through the properties of the biological body and language as a hint to the evolution of human values and spiritual understanding. She obtained her MA Fine Art from Iceland Academy of the Arts in 2017 and her BA Fine Art from Central Saint Martins in 2014.
Photo by @bigmanchingho & @lum_vivian_